Procrastination is one of those things that happens, most times you cannot control. Let’s start on a good note; please subscribe to my email list to get the latest news if you haven’t already.
Procrastination is one of those things that happens ever so often. Can we control it? Sometimes, but there are ways to stop it.
Why do we procrastinate?
Have you ever wondered why we procrastinate? I have, and I can admit that I am a procrastinator and am not proud.
I would find anything to procrastinate about, from my life dreams, goals, vacation, and job. Nothing was off-limit, and it was so evident that people would notice and think I was crazy. Sometimes this isn’t a bad thing, as this is how I remember things I should be doing.
However, this isn’t an excuse; procrastination wastes time and energy, as often you are worried or wondering about things you have no control over. People who procrastinate have more regrets as they waste time wondering about the ‘what ifs’ instead of doing.
To correct procrastination, you have first to know why you do it in the first place. I do it and still do it if my body needs a break, and I don’t want to take one. This is the first step when it comes to any problem, understand why you do it and how you can change it.
This is a slow process, and I promise that once you have tried these tricks, then stopping is easier than you thought.
1/ Time to take a break
Yes. You read that right; as I mentioned earlier that when I procrastinate, this was a sign from my body telling me to take a break.
I am one of those people who I try to complete in one shot when I am focused on a task. While this sounds practical, sometimes it’s not in the long run. When completing a task successfully, it is best to do it in increments.
When I use to study for my nursing license, I would set a goal for about 100 questions a day. There were times where I would try to check all 100 in one shot; sometimes I got to half, while other times I got to 25, and I lose focus. I learned to do a certain amount within a time frame, such as 20 in one and a half hours, then take a break and do something else. I find that this strategy allows me to rewire my mind instead of doing everything at once.
I gave this example to say that when you are procrastinating, take a break. It could be anything, go for a walk, watch a show or just take a nap. These little things will help to clear your mind.
2/ Take a day off
If you find that you procrastinate almost every day, then it’s time for your day. Procrastinating shouldn’t consume your life, and you shouldn’t have to be a slave to it.
When you feel like there is no escape from how you are feeling, take a day off. This day can be spent doing anything that you love; the goal is to relax your mind and not think of anything but you.
Procrastination isn’t a size fit, and people do it differently; there needs to be a system on how you handle these situations.
3/ Focus on the big picture
You lack the focus to go through each task/ day. Procrastination is a roadblock that will stop you from accomplishing your dreams.
When trying to focus on a task, it is good to break each task down into smaller manageable bits. Doing this will enable you to take short well-needed breaks to ease your mind. Everything you are doing aims to stop you from procrastinating. Therefore, you have to set yourself up before it begins.
Think outside the box, find ways not to lose track of what you are doing, as the point is to stop procrastinating and focus on the task at hand.
Think about it
Procrastinating is a tiresome process that consumes so much of our time, there isn’t a quick fix for this problem. This will take some time; this process is a habit that needs to be broken. As with anything
There are times it seems like this thing can take over your life. In fact, it can if you let it but it’s up to find a solution that will stop it. There is no one-time fix that can stop it, like a habit, you have to work on breaking it everyday. It’s not easy but one day at a time it becomes better.